Study Guide
Field 120: Cantonese CST
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Recommendation for individuals using a screenreader: please set your punctuation settings to "most."
Review the hand-draw tutorial video and scanning instructions
. These scanning instructions, which include a sample response sheet from a Mathematics test, will be made available during your test.
For your reference, a sample response sheet from a Cantonese test is provided on this website to show you what your response may look like.
Directions for Pedagogical Content Knowledge Assignment
For the Pedagogical Content Knowledge section of the test, you will write a response of approximately 400 to 600 words start bold in English end bold to an assignment.
Read the assignment carefully before you begin to write. Think about how you will organize your response. You should use your time to plan, write, review, and edit your response to the assignment. You may use the booklet of yellow erasable sheets to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your response. start bold However, your final response must be either: end bold
- typed into the on-screen response box,
- written on a response sheet and scanned using the scanner provided at your workstation, or
- provided using both the on-screen response box (for typed text) and a response sheet (for any Cantonese characters needed in your response) that you will scan using the scanner provided at your workstation.
start bold Instructions for scanning your response sheet(s) are available by clicking the "Scanning Help" button at the top of the screen.end bold
Your response will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- start bold COMPLETENESS: end bold The degree to which the response addresses all parts of the assignment
- start bold ACCURACY: end bold The degree to which the response demonstrates the relevant knowledge and skills accurately and effectively
- start bold DEPTH OF SUPPORT: end bold The degree to which the response provides appropriate examples and details that demonstrate sound reasoning
Your response will be evaluated on the criteria above, not writing ability. However, your response must be communicated clearly enough to permit valid judgment of your knowledge and skills. Your response must be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work.
Be sure to write about the assigned topic. Remember to review what you have written to ensure that you address all aspects of the assignment and make any changes you think will improve your response.
Any time spent responding to the assignment, including scanning the response sheet(s), is part of your testing time. Monitor your time carefully. When your testing time expires, a pop-up message will appear on-screen indicating the conclusion of your test session. Only response sheets that are scanned before you end your test or before time has expired will be scored. Any response sheet that is not scanned before testing ends will NOT be scored.
Select the start bold Next end bold button to continue.
Sample Pedagogical Content Knowledge Assignment
Competency 0005
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
start bold Use the information below and the exhibit provided to complete the assignment that follows. end bold
You are planning instruction for a Cantonese language class. Your instruction includes a specific learning goal aligned to the following New York State Learning Standard for Languages Other Than English.
Standard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication.
You will use the exhibit provided as part of your instruction. To view the exhibit, click the "Exhibit" button on the right above the response box.
Using your knowledge of Cantonese and your pedagogical knowledge related to teaching modern languages, write a response in English of approximately 400 to 600 words in which you:
- state the grade level (middle school or high school) of your instruction;
- state the NYS Checkpoint level (A, B, or C) that aligns to your instruction;
- identify a specific learning goal that aligns with the given standard and the grade level and NYS Checkpoint you have identified, and that relates to the given exhibit;
- provide a rationale for the learning goal you have identified;
- describe a research- or evidence-based instructional strategy or activity you would use to promote student achievement of the specified learning goal and explain how you would use the given exhibit to support your instruction; and
- describe an effective formative or summative assessment tool, strategy, or activity you would use to measure student achievement of the specified learning goal.
start italics [The examinee will see the Exhibit
button on screen:
] end italics
To view the exhibit, the examinee will click the Exhibit button. The pop-up window can then be resized and/or repositioned on the screen so that the examinee can access the information while completing their response.
Restaurant Menu in simplified Cantonese at the very top of the menu in the header section it says 5月22号 深圳周刊 D8 美食与娱乐 市区餐厅点评 南山区Then the first section of the menu says 潮州海鲜酒家 菜系:潮州 营业时间:11:00–15:00, 17:00–23:00 经典的潮州美食菜单为你提供多种选择,包括各种面条,当日的海鲜和素菜特色佳肴。我们先品尝过一小杯乌龙茶后,再享受有精致口味的淡水虾虎鱼,和猪肉橄榄炒豆角。该菜单还提供经典的冷蟹和红烧鸭。饭后来了碗甜薯羹,和几杯茶就更满足啦。 next to this text there is an image of a fish dish with vegetables. The next section of the menu has images of two desserts with chocolate sauces and fruit and says 蓝调酒馆 菜系:休闲法国菜 营业时间:10:00–23:00 在南山品尝一下巴黎的味道,午餐菜单提供煎饼,蛋卷,汤和烤三明治。我们去吃了晚饭,先点了经典的洋葱汤,遗憾的是奶酪有点重,不过蟹饼相当好味。我们的主菜‘鸡炒羊肚菌抓饭’和‘牛排薯条餐’ 也好坏参次。鸡肉在红酒的酱汁里相当嫩滑可口,但牛排有点干燥乏味。但千万别错过这里的甜品,有多种选择,除了巧克力薄饼和焦糖布丁外,还有许多其他糕点。The third and final section of the menu has an image of a clear broth soup with dumplings and says 北镇餐桌 菜系:湖南菜 营业时间:16:00–22:00 山东口味的汤,海鲜和猪肉。我们开始先点了一道美味的芦笋汤,里面有乳白色的汤汁和饺子。味道浓郁的糖醋鲤鱼相当好吃,而且三鲜豆腐的大蒜和洋葱也非常好吃。我们对一道叫焦糖苹果的甜点相当好奇,但担心或许会太甜,所以选择了新鲜水果盘。
Restaurant Menu in simplified Cantonese at the very top of the menu in the header section it says 5月22號 深圳周刊 D8 美食與娛樂 市區餐廳點評 南山區Then the first section of the menu says潮州海鮮酒家 菜系:潮州 營業時間: 11:00–15:00, 17:00–23:00 經典的潮州美食菜單為你提供多種選擇,包括各種麵條,當日的海鮮和素菜特色佳餚。我們先品嚐過一小杯烏龍茶後,再享受有精緻口味的淡水蝦虎魚,和豬肉橄欖炒豆角。該菜單還提供經典的冷蟹和紅燒鴨。飯後來了碗甜薯羹,和幾杯茶就更滿足啦。next to this text there is an image of a fish dish with vegetables. The next section of the menu has images of two desserts with chocolate sauces and fruit and says 藍調酒館 菜系:休閒法國菜 營業時間:10:00–23:00 在南山品嚐一下巴黎的味道,午餐菜單提供煎餅,蛋捲,湯和烤三明治。我們去吃了晚飯,先點了經典的洋蔥湯,遺憾的是奶酪有點重,不過蟹餅相當好味。我們的主菜‘雞炒羊肚菌抓飯' 和‘牛排薯條餐' 也好壞參次。雞肉在紅酒的醬汁里相當嫩滑可口,但牛排有點乾燥乏味。但千萬別錯過這裡的甜品,有多種選擇,除了巧克力薄餅和焦糖布丁外,還有許多其他糕點。The third and final section of the menu has an image of a clear broth soup with dumplings and says 北鎮餐桌 菜系:湖南菜 營業時間:16:00–22:00 山東口味的湯,海鮮和豬肉。我們開始先點了一道美味的蘆筍湯,裡面有乳白色的湯汁和餃子。味道濃郁的糖醋鯉魚相當好吃,而且三鮮豆腐的大蒜和洋蔥也非常好吃。我們對一道叫焦糖蘋果的甜點相當好奇,但擔心或許會太甜,所以選擇了新鮮水果盤。
400. Chinese food, Sweet and sour fish. Collection: Moment Open. Getty Images.
Chua, Jowena. Wonton Soup. Collection: Moment. Getty Images.
Ingelhart, Robert. Strawberry Chocolate Mousse with Whipped Cream. Collection: E+. Getty Images.
Sillaste, Kelly. Crepes with chocolate sauce. Collection: Moment. Getty Images.
Sample Strong Response to Pedagogical Content Knowledge Assignment
This exhibit is an appropriate resource to use in a high school Cantonese class at checkpoint B. The specific learning goal is for students to communicate in Cantonese by making plans to go to a restaurant and expressing food and dining out preferences using previously learned phrases such as 我钟意食......, 唔钟意食......。 我想食......, 唔想食......。 Students will already be familiar with some of the food vocabulary and phrases used to order in a restaurant. The rationale for this goal is to expand the students' range of food vocabulary and ability to make dining out plans in Cantonese.
First, I will assess comprehension of basic food vocabulary using flash cards and asking students to name the food represented on each card. While doing that, I will help them with their Cantonese pronunciation as needed. At the same time, I will introduce the grammar of likes and dislikes by asking a few students if he or she likes this food or not. 你钟意食......吗? 你钟意食咩菜? The students should answer me with 我钟意食......, 唔钟意食......。 After I do that with all the vocabulary, I will let the students play a vocabulary Bingo or matching game to get more familiar with the new vocabulary.
The next day of instruction, I will display the exhibit and vocabularies on the big display screen (PPT, or Smart Board, etc.) First, I will ask two students to come up to the board to point to the vocabulary that their classmates say out loud. This instruction will help the students who are at the board to practice their listening and reading skills, and the students who are sitting and giving instructions, to practice their speaking and reading skills. Then, I will ask one student in class the same four questions we did in the previous class, 你钟意食咩菜? 你唔钟意食咩菜? 你想唔想去食......菜? I will then take out the brochure (exhibit) and demonstrate how to expand the conversation to make an arrangement to have lunch or dinner together by asking what time should we meet? (你听日得闲吗? 我哋一齐去食晚饭吖?) and which restaurant should we go to? (哩间法国餐厅睇落唔错,我哋去试吓吖?). Once the demonstration is done, I will ask everyone to pair up with a partner, and arrange a dining date together. I will give students fifteen minutes to practice, and then they will demonstrate their dialogues one pair at a time. The rationale of this activity is for students to use what they just learned in a simulated real-life situation so that they are ready for a future real-life similar situation.
As an assessment, I will have each student write a short email to another student, inviting the student to go out for lunch or dinner and proposing two choices of restaurant. Then each student will respond by accepting the invitation, indicating the restaurant that they prefer, and providing a rationale for their choice (such as what food they are looking forward to eating at the restaurant of their choosing). Students could also expand the rationale if they wish to do so. Their emails should cc me, so that I can keep track of the progress.
This exhibit is an appropriate resource to use in a high school Cantonese class at checkpoint B. The specific learning goal is for students to communicate in Cantonese by making plans to go to a restaurant and expressing food and dining out preferences using previously learned phrases such as 我鍾意食......, 唔鍾意食......。我想食......, 唔想食......。 Students will already be familiar with some of the food vocabulary and phrases used to order in a restaurant. The rationale for this goal is to expand the students' range of food vocabulary and ability to make dining out plans in Cantonese.
First, I will assess comprehension of basic food vocabulary using flash cards and asking students to name the food represented on each card. While doing that, I will help them with their Cantonese pronunciation as needed. At the same time, I will introduce the grammar of likes and dislikes by asking a few students if he or she likes this food or not. 你鍾意食......嗎 ? 你钟意食咩菜? The students should answer me with 我鍾意食......, 唔中意食......。 After I do that with all the vocabulary, I will let the students play a vocabulary Bingo or matching game to get more familiar with the new vocabulary.
The next day of instruction, I will display the exhibit and vocabularies on the big display screen (PPT, or Smart Board, etc.) First, I will ask two students to come up to the board to point to the vocabulary that their classmates say out loud. This instruction will help the students who are at the board to practice their listening and reading skills, and the students who are sitting and giving instructions, to practice their speaking and reading skills. Then, I will ask one student in class the same four questions we did in the previous class, 你鍾意食咩菜? 你唔鐘意食咩菜? 你想唔想去食......菜? I will then take out the brochure (exhibit) and demonstrate how to expand the conversation to make an arrangement to have lunch or dinner together by asking what time should we meet? (你聽日得閒嗎? 我地一齊去食晚飯吖?) and which restaurant should we go to? (哩間法國餐廳睇落唔錯,我哋去試嚇吖?). Once the demonstration is done, I will ask everyone to pair up with a partner, and arrange a dining date together. I will give students fifteen minutes to practice, and then they will demonstrate their dialogues one pair at a time. The rationale of this activity is for students to use what they just learned in a simulated real-life situation so that they are ready for a future real-life similar situation.
As an assessment, I will have each student write a short email to another student, inviting the student to go out for lunch or dinner and proposing two choices of restaurant. Then each student will respond by accepting the invitation, indicating the restaurant that they prefer, and providing a rationale for their choice (such as what food they are looking forward to eating at the restaurant of their choosing). Students could also expand the rationale if they wish to do so. Their emails should cc me, so that I can keep track of the progress.
Performance Characteristics for Pedagogical Content Knowledge Assignment
The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to the Pedagogical Content Knowledge assignment.
COMPLETENESS | The degree to which the response addresses all parts of the assignment |
ACCURACY | The degree to which the response demonstrates the relevant knowledge and skills accurately and effectively |
DEPTH OF SUPPORT | The degree to which the response provides appropriate examples and details that demonstrate sound reasoning |
Score Scale for Pedagogical Content Knowledge Assignment
A score will be assigned to the response to the Pedagogical Content Knowledge assignment according to the following score scale.
Score Point | Score Point Description |
4 | The "4" response reflects a thorough command of the relevant knowledge and skills. |
3 | The "3" response reflects a general command of the relevant knowledge and skills. |
2 | The "2" response reflects a partial command of the relevant knowledge and skills. |
1 | The "1" response reflects little or no command of the relevant knowledge and skills. |
U | The response is unscorable because it is unrelated to the assigned topic or off-task, unreadable, written in a language other than English or contains an insufficient amount of original work to score. |
B | No response. |